Monday, December 15, 2008

So my sister-in-law Sherri tagged me like a month ago and I just haven't gotten around to doing it, or any posting for that matter, but here it is and I hope you enjoy and it makes sense. (Sorry it took so long Sherri! I told you I would get it done!!)

5 T.V. Shows I love to watch
1. The Biggest Loser
2. Ghost Whisperer
3. Ugly Betty
4. CSI: Miami
5.. John & Kate Plus Eight

5 things that happened yesterday
1. Woke up to snow
2. Read the Sunday paper
3. Went to Tithing settlement
4. Went to church (where Alexis pucked on me during the sacrament.)
5.Went to Aaron's work party!!

5 favorite places to eat
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Goodwood
3. Olive Garden
4. Arctic Circle
5. Wingers

5 things I look forward to
1. financial stability
2. Aaron being done with school and out doing what he has dreamed of his whole life.
3.My children growing up to be good honest people!
4. Finally getting into a house where we all fit.
5. Thomas coming home in 09!!

5 things on my wish list
1. A Kitchen Aid or Bosh mixer.
2. To have a happy healthy family.
3. For Aaron to graduate from trucking school, and get started with job.
4. To be able to support my family in every way possible.
5. To see different parts of the world!

5 people I tag
1. Sami Bennet
2. Ashley
3. Kassie Cook
4. Briana
5. Aunt Shari Pingel


Sherri Harward said...

Hey, I like watching Jon and Kate plus 8 too.Kate is a pretty organized lady hugh. It is nice to see people who struggle just like we do and maybe learn a little but from what they are going through.

Sherri Harward said...

Its o.k that it took a little bit to get the tag done. I hadn't done anything in my blog for a month. Now I'm trying to catch up a little.